Bellaire High School PTO Bylaws
Article1: Name
1.1 The name of the organization shall be the Bellaire High School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), a nonprofit organization. It shall have no affiliation with any state or national organization with similar objectives.
Article 2: Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this Organization shall be to promote good understanding, cooperation, and support among parents, teachers, and administrators in order to provide the best possible education for our youth.
2.2 The Organization shall be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of1986, or corresponding provisions hereafter in effect.
2.3 In the event of dissolution of this Organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligation of the Organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more of the exempt purpose organizations specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
Article 3: Policies
3.1 This organization shall cooperate with the faculty and administration to support Bellaire High School and shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school nor control its policies.
3.2 This organization shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.
Article 4: Membership and Dues
4.1 Any parent or legal guardian of a Bellaire High School student, any Bellaire High School teacher, administrator, or staff member, and any other interested community member who subscribes to the purpose and policies of the PTO may become a member of this Organization upon payment of dues as hereinafter provided.
4.2 The annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the PTO.
4.3 An annual membership drive shall be conducted. However, additional members may be accepted at any time.
4.4 Only members of the organization shall be eligible to participate and vote in the business meetings or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions. Up to two members per family may vote. A member must be present to vote.
Article 5: Executive Committee
5.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization. The Immediate Past President and President Elect may serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The Principal of the school and one faculty member, designated by the Principal, shall serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee.
5.2 Duties of the Executive Committee shall be to:
a. Transact necessary business in the intervals between meetings of the PTO and such other business as may be referred to it by the PTO;
b. Create or dissolve Standing and Special committees;
c. Approve the Standing and Special Committee Chairs;
d. Fill vacancies of offices and chairs.
5.3 Meetings
a. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee upon one-day prior notice being given.
b. A majority of the Executive Committee, excluding non-voting members, shall constitute a quorum.
Article 6: Officers and Their Election
6.1 Definition and Term of Office
a. The Executive Committee officers shall be the President; 1st Vice President, Communications; 2nd Vice President, Membership and Fundraising; 3rd Vice President, School Relations; Treasurer; and Secretary.
b. The officers of this Organization shall be elected by majority vote of the attending current PTO membership at a meeting of the PTO.
c. Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the final meeting of the Organization in May, and shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected.
d. Officers must be parents or legal guardians of current or in-coming Bellaire High School students.
e. Officers shall not serve more than two consecutive years in the same position. One who has served more than one-half of a term shall be credited with having served that term.
f. The immediate past President may serve as ex-officio member of the PTO Board and Executive Committee.
6.2 Nominating Committee
a. Officers shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee prior to election at a general meeting.
b. The Nominating Committee shall consist of seven (7) members. The President shall appoint the chair. The Nominating Committee chair in consultation with the President shall select six additional members from the membership at large.
c. The Nominating Committee shall be approved by a majority vote of members present at a general meeting.
d. The consent of each candidate must be obtained prior to being placed in nomination.
e. At the discretion of the nominating committee, more than one person may hold an office.
6.3 Vacancies and Removal from Office
a. Any officer resigning prior to the end of his or her term shall notify the President. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person nominated by the President and elected by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee.
b. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the 1st Vice-President shall serve as President until such time as the Executive Committee can elect a person to serve as President for the unexpired term.
c. The Executive Committee may remove any elected officer from office by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee members, at a special meeting called for that purpose.
Article 7: Duties of Officers
7.1 The President shall:
a. Prepare the agenda for, preside and maintain order over all meetings of this Organization;
b. Serve as the liaison to the Principal;
c. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC);
d. Make every effort to foster a sense of community and encourage teamwork within the PTO;
e. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts;
f. Preside over the budget committee meeting to prepare an annual budget for the school year for approval at the first meeting of the Organization;
g. Appoint the chair of the Nominating Committee;
h. Appoint a Parliamentarian who will insure the proper and orderly conduct of all meetings;
i. Appoint Chairs of standing and special committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee;
j. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTO in order that the purposes of the PTO may be promoted;
k. Be absolutely fair and impartial.
7.2 The 1st Vice President, Communications shall:
a. Act as an aid to the president and perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act;
b. Serve as liaison to the school counselors’ parent education programs;
c. Oversee committees as determined by the Executive Committee;
d. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts.
7.3 The 2nd Vice President, Membership and Fundraising shall:
a. Oversee committees as determined by the Executive Committee including a committee to organize and conduct the membership drive for this Organization;
b. Maintain, on an ongoing basis, an accurate up-to-date roster of membership made available at each meeting of the Organization;
c. Coordinate and oversee all PTO fundraising activities and events;
d. Serve on the budget committee to create the Organization’s budget for the schoolyear;
e. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts.
7.4 The 3rd Vice President, School Relations shall:
a. Oversee committees as determined by the Executive Committee including a committee to administer and coordinate the volunteer program in the school;
b. Serve as liaison for HISD Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) program;
c. Develop and implement strategies for encouraging and rewarding volunteerism;
d. Maintain a database of volunteers and their talents;
e. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts.
7.5 The Secretary shall:
a. Take minutes at each meeting and prepare them to be presented and distributed at the next meeting for approval;
b. Prepare the minutes and present the minutes to the President for review prior to the next meeting;
c. Keep an accurate record of all meeting minutes with a copy of amendments entered for a period of seven years;
d. Enter any corrections approved by the members in the minute book and initial them;
e. Send minutes to the webmaster for posting to the PTO information website;
f. Preserve all records, reports and official documents of this Organization except those specifically assigned to the custody of others;
g. Bring to each meeting:
1. Minutes of all meetings of the current fiscal year;
2. Current bylaws;
3. Job descriptions for the standing and special committees;
h. Handle all official correspondence for this Organization, except those specifically assigned to officers;
i. Read all important correspondence at meetings, as directed by the presiding officer;
j. Create, maintain and distribute an accurate roster of the Executive Committee and committee chairs.
7.6 The Treasurer shall:
a. Keep records of all financial transactions of the PTO;
b. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts and insure that two of the authorized officers sign all checks;
c. Present a financial report at each general meeting of the PTO and at other times as requested;
d. Send the financial report, presented at each general meeting of the PTO, to the webmaster for posting to the PTO information website;
e. Keep books of accounts and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and cancelled checks for a period of seven years;
f. Provide a copy of the Treasurer’s report to any PTO member upon request;
g. Make disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTO;
h. Prepare and present an annual Treasurer’s report at the last meeting of the school year and a fiscal year-end report as of June 30;
i. Submit books and financial records to the review committee as requested;
j. Be responsible for the preparation and filing of any state or federal tax filings;
k. Serve on budget committee to create the Organization’s budget for the school year.
Article 8: PTO Board
8.1 The PTO Board shall comprise the following:
a. The Executive Committee;
b. Chairs of the Standing Committees;
c. Two representatives from the school’s administration;
d. Two representatives from the school’s faculty.
Article 9: Meetings
9.1 The general meetings of this Organization shall be held at least five times per fiscal year on dates selected by the Executive Committee.
9.2 Special meetings of the PTO may be called by the President or by a majority of the PTO Executive Committee with prior notice of such meetings having been given.
9.3 In the event a special meeting of the PTO cannot be scheduled due to time constraints, the President is authorized to conduct a telephone or e-mail vote of the Executive Committee, and this vote will be considered a binding vote of the PTO. That process will be entered in the minutes of the next meeting of the PTO.
9.4 Twenty (20) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the PTO.
9.5 The Parliamentarian is responsible for determining that a quorum is present at all meetings of this Organization.
9.6 Regular attendance is required of each member of the PTO Executive Committee. A PTO Executive Committee member who misses three consecutive meetings may be removed from his/her position.
Article 10: Standing and Special Committees
10.1 Standing committees represent continuing activities of the PTO. Such committees shall be created or abolished by the Executive Committee, as may be required.
10.2 Standing committee chairs shall be recommended by the same nominating committee that selects the officers of the PTO prior to election.
10.3 Standing committee chairs shall be appointed by the President and approved for a term of one year by the Executive Committee.
10.4 Special committees shall be appointed as deemed necessary by the President and/or Executive Committee. The President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint chairs to serve for a designated period of time.
Article 11: Financial Policies
11.1 The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30th.
11.2 A Review Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Review Committee shall review the books and records of the PTO and report to the PTO at a meeting not later than December of the same year.
11.3 The Budget Committee is responsible for creating the Organization’s budget for the school year for approval at the first meeting of the Organization. The Budget Committee shall consist of the President, the 2nd Vice President of Fundraising and the Treasurer.
Article 12: Parliamentary Authority
12.1 In the absence of provision to the contrary, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall prevail.
Article 13: Amendments
13.1 These bylaws may be amended:
a. At a general meeting or duly called special meeting of this Organization, provided a quorum is present, by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting;
b. Notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given at the previous meeting of this Organization or in writing in an issue of the PTO newsletter published before the meeting at which the proposed amendments are introduced for a vote, or by posting the changes on the PTO website.
13.2 A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for these bylaws. The requirement for adoption of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.
13.3. The President will p\reside over the budget committee meeting to prepare an annual budget for the school year for approval at the LAST meeting of the Organization;
Revised: November 2017
Revised: September 2024
Article1: Name
1.1 The name of the organization shall be the Bellaire High School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), a nonprofit organization. It shall have no affiliation with any state or national organization with similar objectives.
Article 2: Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this Organization shall be to promote good understanding, cooperation, and support among parents, teachers, and administrators in order to provide the best possible education for our youth.
2.2 The Organization shall be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of1986, or corresponding provisions hereafter in effect.
2.3 In the event of dissolution of this Organization, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligation of the Organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more of the exempt purpose organizations specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
Article 3: Policies
3.1 This organization shall cooperate with the faculty and administration to support Bellaire High School and shall not seek to direct the administrative activities of the school nor control its policies.
3.2 This organization shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan.
Article 4: Membership and Dues
4.1 Any parent or legal guardian of a Bellaire High School student, any Bellaire High School teacher, administrator, or staff member, and any other interested community member who subscribes to the purpose and policies of the PTO may become a member of this Organization upon payment of dues as hereinafter provided.
4.2 The annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee of the PTO.
4.3 An annual membership drive shall be conducted. However, additional members may be accepted at any time.
4.4 Only members of the organization shall be eligible to participate and vote in the business meetings or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions. Up to two members per family may vote. A member must be present to vote.
Article 5: Executive Committee
5.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization. The Immediate Past President and President Elect may serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee. The Principal of the school and one faculty member, designated by the Principal, shall serve as non-voting members of the Executive Committee.
5.2 Duties of the Executive Committee shall be to:
a. Transact necessary business in the intervals between meetings of the PTO and such other business as may be referred to it by the PTO;
b. Create or dissolve Standing and Special committees;
c. Approve the Standing and Special Committee Chairs;
d. Fill vacancies of offices and chairs.
5.3 Meetings
a. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee upon one-day prior notice being given.
b. A majority of the Executive Committee, excluding non-voting members, shall constitute a quorum.
Article 6: Officers and Their Election
6.1 Definition and Term of Office
a. The Executive Committee officers shall be the President; 1st Vice President, Communications; 2nd Vice President, Membership and Fundraising; 3rd Vice President, School Relations; Treasurer; and Secretary.
b. The officers of this Organization shall be elected by majority vote of the attending current PTO membership at a meeting of the PTO.
c. Officers shall assume their official duties following the close of the final meeting of the Organization in May, and shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected.
d. Officers must be parents or legal guardians of current or in-coming Bellaire High School students.
e. Officers shall not serve more than two consecutive years in the same position. One who has served more than one-half of a term shall be credited with having served that term.
f. The immediate past President may serve as ex-officio member of the PTO Board and Executive Committee.
6.2 Nominating Committee
a. Officers shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee prior to election at a general meeting.
b. The Nominating Committee shall consist of seven (7) members. The President shall appoint the chair. The Nominating Committee chair in consultation with the President shall select six additional members from the membership at large.
c. The Nominating Committee shall be approved by a majority vote of members present at a general meeting.
d. The consent of each candidate must be obtained prior to being placed in nomination.
e. At the discretion of the nominating committee, more than one person may hold an office.
6.3 Vacancies and Removal from Office
a. Any officer resigning prior to the end of his or her term shall notify the President. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person nominated by the President and elected by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee.
b. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the 1st Vice-President shall serve as President until such time as the Executive Committee can elect a person to serve as President for the unexpired term.
c. The Executive Committee may remove any elected officer from office by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee members, at a special meeting called for that purpose.
Article 7: Duties of Officers
7.1 The President shall:
a. Prepare the agenda for, preside and maintain order over all meetings of this Organization;
b. Serve as the liaison to the Principal;
c. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC);
d. Make every effort to foster a sense of community and encourage teamwork within the PTO;
e. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts;
f. Preside over the budget committee meeting to prepare an annual budget for the school year for approval at the first meeting of the Organization;
g. Appoint the chair of the Nominating Committee;
h. Appoint a Parliamentarian who will insure the proper and orderly conduct of all meetings;
i. Appoint Chairs of standing and special committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee;
j. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTO in order that the purposes of the PTO may be promoted;
k. Be absolutely fair and impartial.
7.2 The 1st Vice President, Communications shall:
a. Act as an aid to the president and perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to act;
b. Serve as liaison to the school counselors’ parent education programs;
c. Oversee committees as determined by the Executive Committee;
d. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts.
7.3 The 2nd Vice President, Membership and Fundraising shall:
a. Oversee committees as determined by the Executive Committee including a committee to organize and conduct the membership drive for this Organization;
b. Maintain, on an ongoing basis, an accurate up-to-date roster of membership made available at each meeting of the Organization;
c. Coordinate and oversee all PTO fundraising activities and events;
d. Serve on the budget committee to create the Organization’s budget for the schoolyear;
e. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts.
7.4 The 3rd Vice President, School Relations shall:
a. Oversee committees as determined by the Executive Committee including a committee to administer and coordinate the volunteer program in the school;
b. Serve as liaison for HISD Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) program;
c. Develop and implement strategies for encouraging and rewarding volunteerism;
d. Maintain a database of volunteers and their talents;
e. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts.
7.5 The Secretary shall:
a. Take minutes at each meeting and prepare them to be presented and distributed at the next meeting for approval;
b. Prepare the minutes and present the minutes to the President for review prior to the next meeting;
c. Keep an accurate record of all meeting minutes with a copy of amendments entered for a period of seven years;
d. Enter any corrections approved by the members in the minute book and initial them;
e. Send minutes to the webmaster for posting to the PTO information website;
f. Preserve all records, reports and official documents of this Organization except those specifically assigned to the custody of others;
g. Bring to each meeting:
1. Minutes of all meetings of the current fiscal year;
2. Current bylaws;
3. Job descriptions for the standing and special committees;
h. Handle all official correspondence for this Organization, except those specifically assigned to officers;
i. Read all important correspondence at meetings, as directed by the presiding officer;
j. Create, maintain and distribute an accurate roster of the Executive Committee and committee chairs.
7.6 The Treasurer shall:
a. Keep records of all financial transactions of the PTO;
b. Have signature authority on all PTO bank accounts and insure that two of the authorized officers sign all checks;
c. Present a financial report at each general meeting of the PTO and at other times as requested;
d. Send the financial report, presented at each general meeting of the PTO, to the webmaster for posting to the PTO information website;
e. Keep books of accounts and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and cancelled checks for a period of seven years;
f. Provide a copy of the Treasurer’s report to any PTO member upon request;
g. Make disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTO;
h. Prepare and present an annual Treasurer’s report at the last meeting of the school year and a fiscal year-end report as of June 30;
i. Submit books and financial records to the review committee as requested;
j. Be responsible for the preparation and filing of any state or federal tax filings;
k. Serve on budget committee to create the Organization’s budget for the school year.
Article 8: PTO Board
8.1 The PTO Board shall comprise the following:
a. The Executive Committee;
b. Chairs of the Standing Committees;
c. Two representatives from the school’s administration;
d. Two representatives from the school’s faculty.
Article 9: Meetings
9.1 The general meetings of this Organization shall be held at least five times per fiscal year on dates selected by the Executive Committee.
9.2 Special meetings of the PTO may be called by the President or by a majority of the PTO Executive Committee with prior notice of such meetings having been given.
9.3 In the event a special meeting of the PTO cannot be scheduled due to time constraints, the President is authorized to conduct a telephone or e-mail vote of the Executive Committee, and this vote will be considered a binding vote of the PTO. That process will be entered in the minutes of the next meeting of the PTO.
9.4 Twenty (20) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the PTO.
9.5 The Parliamentarian is responsible for determining that a quorum is present at all meetings of this Organization.
9.6 Regular attendance is required of each member of the PTO Executive Committee. A PTO Executive Committee member who misses three consecutive meetings may be removed from his/her position.
Article 10: Standing and Special Committees
10.1 Standing committees represent continuing activities of the PTO. Such committees shall be created or abolished by the Executive Committee, as may be required.
10.2 Standing committee chairs shall be recommended by the same nominating committee that selects the officers of the PTO prior to election.
10.3 Standing committee chairs shall be appointed by the President and approved for a term of one year by the Executive Committee.
10.4 Special committees shall be appointed as deemed necessary by the President and/or Executive Committee. The President, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint chairs to serve for a designated period of time.
Article 11: Financial Policies
11.1 The fiscal year of the organization shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30th.
11.2 A Review Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Review Committee shall review the books and records of the PTO and report to the PTO at a meeting not later than December of the same year.
11.3 The Budget Committee is responsible for creating the Organization’s budget for the school year for approval at the first meeting of the Organization. The Budget Committee shall consist of the President, the 2nd Vice President of Fundraising and the Treasurer.
Article 12: Parliamentary Authority
12.1 In the absence of provision to the contrary, Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall prevail.
Article 13: Amendments
13.1 These bylaws may be amended:
a. At a general meeting or duly called special meeting of this Organization, provided a quorum is present, by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting;
b. Notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given at the previous meeting of this Organization or in writing in an issue of the PTO newsletter published before the meeting at which the proposed amendments are introduced for a vote, or by posting the changes on the PTO website.
13.2 A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a substitute for these bylaws. The requirement for adoption of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.
13.3. The President will p\reside over the budget committee meeting to prepare an annual budget for the school year for approval at the LAST meeting of the Organization;
Revised: November 2017
Revised: September 2024